Potential Supply-Demand Imbalance? The Growing Role Of Uranium And Copper Amid The Global Energy Transition

–News Direct– By Austin DeNoce, Benzinga The global renewable energy landscape, spurred by the green transition, is marked by growing demand for a number of commodities. Among those, two critical materials in particular are gaining traction: uranium and copper. This trend is intricately linked to the worldwide shift toward zero-carbon emissions and the pursuit of more reliable and efficient energy sources. The projected 86% increase in electricity demand by 2050, underscores the critical need for energy-related commodities in the energy

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Kartoon Studios (AMEX: TOON) Is Keeping Stan Lee’s Legacy Alive With Its Brand New Stan Lee Store On Amazon And YouTube Channel

–News Direct– By Faith Ashmore, Benzinga In 1941, a little-known editorial assistant at Timely Comics published his first comic, Captain America Foils the Traitor's Revenge. That someone then went on to gain fame as Stan The Man Lee and the world of comics and superheroes was forever changed. Stan Lee was a towering figure in the industry, creating classics like Spiderman, Iron Man, Black Panther and many others. His legacy is everywhere and central to the world of superheroes. As

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Elicio Therapeutics (NASDAQ: ELTX) Makes Strides In Growing Cancer Vaccination Industry

–News Direct– By Jeremy Golden, Benzinga Founded in 2011, Elicio Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ: ELTX) has made several significant strides in the last 13 years. The immunotherapy company has completed multiple successful preclinical trials and has been featured in publications like Nature Medicine and Cancer Immunology Research, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR). With promising potential treatments in its pipeline, Elicio Therapeutics future seems even brighter than the achievements it made in its past. AMP Platform For

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Meet VantagePoint, Inventor Of The Worlds First AI-Powered Software For Independent Traders That Launched In 1991

–News Direct– By Faith Ashmore, Benzinga Artificial Intelligence (AI) is taking the world by storm, from healthcare to Big Tech and everything in between. According to data obtained by Finbold, the AI industry's estimated market size was $207.9 billion in 2023 and is expected to increase dramatically by 788.64% to reach $1.87 trillion by 2030. While AI is being integrated into society with great vigor today, unbeknownst to many, AI is not a new concept. With the recent attention on

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kevin. triumphiert mit der ersten NFC-Transaktion von Konto zu Konto auf dem iPhone

–News Direct– In einem bahnbrechenden Ereignis, das die Zahlungslandschaft in Geschften durcheinanderbringen wird, hat kevin., ein Pionier in der Zahlungstechnologie, die erste jemals durchgefhrte NFC-Transaktion von Konto zu Konto auf einem iPhone erfolgreich abgewickelt. Video der Transaktion: Link In einer finanziellen Welt, in der Bequemlichkeit und Sicherheit von grter Bedeutung sind, hat kevin. einen neuen Hhepunkt erreicht, indem er die erste nicht-Apple-Pay NFC-Zahlung von Konto zu Konto auf einem iPhone ausgefhrt hat. Dieser technologische Sprung nach vorne folgt dem Druck

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kevin. triomphe avec la premire transaction NFC de compte compte sur iPhone

–News Direct– Dans un vnement rvolutionnaire destin bouleverser le paysage des paiements en magasin, kevin., un pionnier de la technologie de paiement, a russi la toute premire transaction NFC de compte compte sur un iPhone. Vido de la transaction : lien Dans un monde financier o la commodit et la scurit sont de la plus haute importance, kevin. a tabli un nouveau sommet en excutant le premier paiement NFC de compte compte non-Apple Pay sur un iPhone. Ce bond technologique

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kevin. Triumphs with First Account-to-Account NFC iPhone Transaction

–News Direct– In a ground-breaking event set to disrupt the in-store payment landscape, kevin., a pioneer in payment technology, has successfully conducted the first-ever account-to-account NFC transaction on an iPhone. Video of transaction: link In a financial world where convenience and security are paramount, kevin. has established a new pinnacle by executing the first non-Apple Pay account-to-account near-field communication (NFC) payment on an iPhone. This technological leap forward follows the European Commissions pressure on Apple to democratize NFC access. It

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kevin. triunfa con la primera transaccin NFC de cuenta a cuenta en iPhone

–News Direct– En un evento innovador destinado a trastornar el panorama de los pagos en tiendas, kevin., pionero en tecnologa de pagos, ha realizado con xito la primera transaccin NFC de cuenta a cuenta en un iPhone. Vdeo de la transaccin: enlace En un mundo financiero donde la conveniencia y la seguridad son primordiales, kevin. ha establecido un nuevo pinculo al ejecutar el primer pago NFC de cuenta a cuenta que no es Apple Pay en un iPhone. Este salto

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kevin. trionfa con la prima transazione NFC da conto a conto su iPhone

–News Direct– In un evento all'avanguardia destinato a sconvolgere il panorama dei pagamenti in negozio, kevin., pioniere nella tecnologia dei pagamenti, ha condotto con successo la prima transazione NFC da conto a conto su un iPhone. Video della transazione: link In un mondo finanziario dove la comodit e la sicurezza sono fondamentali, kevin. ha stabilito un nuovo apice eseguendo il primo pagamento NFC da conto a conto non-Apple Pay su un iPhone. Questo salto tecnologico segue la pressione della Commissione

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Premier African Minerals advances Zulu lithium and tantalum project, raises 2 million

–News Direct– Premier African Minerals Ltd (AIM:PREM, OTC:PRMMF) chief executive George Roach provides an update on the Zulu lithium and tantalum project in Zimbabwe alongside news of a 2 million fundraising. Roach told Proactive's Stephen Gunnion the company has made progress in addressing some design issues within the project, enhancing the efficiency of material processing for the floatation plant. Roach detailed upcoming modifications to the plant's plumbing, expected to resolve remaining challenges, particularly in the flotation section, aimed at improving

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